• The board of management is the body of persons appointed by the Bishop of Killaloe to manage the school and in accordance with the regulations of the Department of Education and Skills.
• The current board of management’s term of office is 1st December 2023 to 30th November 2027.
• The Board hold a minimum of one meeting per school term and not less than five meetings in any school year.
• The Board of Management comprises

  1. Bishop’s Nominee and Chairperson: Darragh McAllister
  2. Bishop’s Nominee: Rory Callinan
  3. Parents nominee (male): Vincent O’Halloran
  4. Parents nominee (female): Joanne Murphy
  5. Principal teacher: Niamh Ní Chonghaile
  6. Teacher Nominee: Adrian Barrett
  7. Community Nominee: Gai Hardy
  8. Community Nominee: Tommy Sheedy

• Board members have various roles allowing fair distribution of the workload. Member roles include

1. Chairperson
2. Secretary
3. Recording secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Maintenance Officer
6. Safety Officer
7. School Premises Officer